

Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko apirilaren 20ko abestien zerrenda

Hauek daude proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean: The Dictators, Kevin Morby, Woods, Mushkum, British Sea Power, Eric Fuentes, John Mayer, Hiena, The Icer Company eta The Riff Truckers.

  • The Icer Company. Argazkia: Gor

    The Icer Company. Argazkia: Gor

Jon Basagurenek apirilaren 20an osatutako 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:

The Dictators: "Who will save rock and roll"

Kevin Morby: "Aboard my train"

Woods: "Bleeding blue"

Mushkum: "Sentitzen naizelako"

British Sea Power: "International space station"

Eric Fuentes: "You've got a log run"

John Mayer: "Moving on and getting over"

Hiena: "Amaibako itzulera"

Saint Sister: "Tin man"

The Icer Company: "Mapa"

The Riff Truckers: "Riding rainbow"

Perlak: "Duela mina"

The Lemon Twigs: "These words"

Sumusion City Blues: "Sólo tú"

The Tarantula Waltz: "Golden chain"