

Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko maiatzaren 8ko abestien zerrenda

Hauek daude proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean: Deep Throat Choir, Future Islands, The New Raemon, Lillie Mae, Oso Fan, Alexandra Savior, Kaskezur, Nizuri Tazuneri, Matthew Logan Vasquez...

  • The New Raemon

    The New Raemon

Jon Basagurenek maiatzaren 8an 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:

Deep Throat Choir: 'Be OK'

Future Islands: 'Time on her side'

The New Raemon: 'Naturaleza'

Lillie Mae: 'Over the hill and through the woods'

Oso Fan: 'Gaur'

Alexandra Savior: 'Shades'

Kaskezur: 'Lore sorta'

Nizuri Tazuneri: 'Itsuki'

Matthew Logan Vasquez: 'From behind the grass'

McEnroe: 'Escorpiones'

Trevor Sensor: 'The money gets bigger'

Havalina: 'Malditos mamíferos'

Columbia Mills: 'Head start'

Leun: 'Not me'

Father John Misty: 'Things it would be helpful to know before'