

Kantu zerrenda

'Zidorrean': urriaren 7ko saioko kantak


Jon Basagurenek urriaren 7ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako kantuak: Lana Del Rey, Lurra, The View, Señor No, Swim Deep, Keith Richards, Zura, Angel Haze, Frankie Lee...

  • Lana Del Rey. Argazkia: Universal

    Lana Del Rey. Argazkia: Universal

Hauxe da urriaren 7ko 'Zidorrean' saioan Jon Basagurenek jarritako kantuen zerrenda:

-Lana Del Rey: "Music To Watch Boys To"

-Lurra: "Oinutsik"

-The View: "Under The Rug"

-Señor No: "Llámame"

-Swim Deep: "One Great Song And I Could Change The World"

-Keith Richards: "Heartstopper"

-Zura: "Euria"

-Angel Haze: "Moonrise Kingdom"

-Frankie Lee: "Wheere Do We Belong"

-The School: "All I Want From You Is Everything"

-César Pop Y L Orquesta Pinha: "Noticias Del Norte"

-Thunderbitch: "Leather Jacket"

-Larregi: "Ostruka"

-Editors: "Forgiveness"

-Garbage: "Stupid Girl"

: "Stupid Girl"