

Kantu zerrenda

'Zidorrean': urriaren 15eko saioko kantak


Jon Basagurenek urriaren 15eko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako kantuak: Steve Wynn, Joseba B. lenoir, The Decemberists Kike Tormenta, Graveyard, Doe Paoro, Bob Dylan, Pelax & Cowboys Orchestra...

  • Joseba B. Lenoir

    Joseba B. Lenoir

Hauxe da urriaren 15eko 'Zidorrean' saioan Jon Basagurenek jarritako kantuen zerrenda:

Steve Wynn: "Caroline"

Joseba B. Lenoir: "Ez Zaitut Behar"

The Decemberists: "The Harrow And The Haunted"

Kike Tormenta: "A Tus Pies"

Graveyard: "The Apple & The Tree"

Doe Paoro: "The Wind"

Bob Dylan: "I Want You"

Pelax & Cowboys Orhestra: "Zeuok"

Liza Anne: "Northern Wind"

Sorkun: "urazpian"

Marcus Bonfanti: "Alley Cat"

Made Violent: "Dirty"

Dave Rawlings Machine: "The Weekend"

Governors: "Bertigo"

Brigitte Laverne: "Cities"

Mark Lanegan: "House A Home"

"House A Home"