

Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko ekainaren 3ko abestien zerrenda



Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Rural Zombies, Keu Agirretxea, Perlak, Lenao eta Arizona Baby daude.

Jon Basagurenek ekainaren 3ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:

Catfish and the Bottlemen: "Twice"

Mike Farris: "Real fine day"

El Imperio del Perro: "Os odio a todos"

Sarah Jarosz: "House of mercy"

Antton Aranburu: "Bizirik gaudela"

Rural Zombies: "Stones"

Arizona Baby: "Wish you were here"

Keu Agirretxea: "Bila"

Chance the Rapper: "Blessings"

Unknown Mortal Orchestra: "First World Problem"

Lenao: "Berandu"

Ben Watt: "Between two fires"

Holly Miranda: "Mark my words"

Perlak: "Itsasoari begira"

Rage Against the Machine: "Renegades of funk"

egades of funk"