

Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko abuztuaren 2ko abestien zerrenda


Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Sorkun, Dan Mangan, The Seeds eta Brant Bjork daude besteak beste.

Jon Basagurenek abuztuaren 2ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:

The Avett Brothers: "Victims of life"

Omar Rodriguez López: "We feel the silence"

Sorkun: "Ur azpian"

Descendents: "Without love"

Dan Mangan: "Race to the bottom"

The Seeds: "Can't seem to make you mine"

Minor Victories: "A hundred ropes"

Diamante Eléctrico: "Placebo"

Temple of The Dog: "Hunger strike"

Xatiro: "Gure aldera"

The Vryll Society: "Self realization"

Estelares: "Alas rotas"

The Raveonettes: "Where are you wild horses"

Fumut: "Azken hatsa"

Brant Bjork: "Automatic fantastic"

atic fantastic"