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'Zidorrean' saio berezia: Arrazakeriaren kontrako abestiak
Jon Basagurenek arrazakeriaren aurkako abestien bilduma sortu du 'Zidorrean' saio berezi honetarako.
Jon Basagurenek abuztuaren 10eko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:
The Staple Singers: "Why? (Am I treated so bad)"
Ben Harper: "Call it what it is"
Michael Kiwanuka: "Black man in a white world"
Fermin Muguruza: "Kolore bizia"
Social Distortion: "Don't drag me down"
Thin Lizzy: "Black boys on the corner"
Drive-By Truckers: "What it means"
Billie Holiday: "Strange fruit-Single version"
Gary Clark Jr.: "Hold on"
Barricada: "Oveja negra"
James Brown: "Say it loud"
Rise Against: "The prayer of the refugee"
Nina Simone: "The times they are a changin"
are a changin"