

Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko urriaren 11ko abestien zerrenda


Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Neighbor, Michael Kiwanuka, Siddhartha, Nick Cave, James Vincent McMorrow eta The Killers daude.

  • Neighbor


Jon Basagurenek urriaren 11ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:

Neighbor: "Hau"

Michael Kiwanuke: "Rule The World"

Siddahartha: "Ser Parte"

Nick cave & The Bad Seeds: "Rings Of Saturn"

James Vincent McMOrrow: "One Thousand Times"

Izaro: "Bizitzak"

The Killers: "Peace Of Mind"

BD Harrington: "Nightingale Lane"

The Drones: "Then They Came For Me"

Zea Mays: "Enbata"

Leonard Cohen: "You Want It Darker"

Warpaint: "Whiteout"

091: "Qué Fue Del Siglo XX"

Jimmy Eat World: "You With Me"

: "You With Me"