Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko urtarrilaren 17ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Flo Morrisey and Matthew E. White, Simon Townshend and Eddie Vedder, Ruper Ordorika, The XX, Elbow, Pi L.T. eta The Smashing Pumpkins daude.
Flo Morrisey and Matthew E. White: 'Look at what the light did now'
Simon Townshend and Eddie Vedder: 'She asked me'
Ruper Ordorika: 'Ireki atea'
The XX: 'Dangerous'
Elbow: 'All disco'
Pi L.T.: 'Erreparatzen'
The Smashing Pumpkins: 'Bullet with butterfly wings'
Halsey: 'Not afraid anymore'
David Bowie: 'No plan'
Maga: 'Por las tardes en el frío de las tiendas'
Laura Marling: 'Wild fire'
McEnroe: 'Sometimes'
Anticontinente: 'Kafe zianuro'
Haley Bonar: 'Kismet kill'
Lisandro Aristimuño: 'Hoy, hoy, hoy'