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Lady Gaga threatens to sue makers of breast milk ice cream "Baby Gaga"



The icecream is now off the menu after Westminster City Council seized the ice cream for health and safety checks.

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US pop icon Lady Gaga has threatened to sue the makers of breast milk ice cream named "Baby Gaga".

The star claimed the product, named Baby Gaga, was "nausea-inducing" and "intended to take advantage of her reputation and goodwill," according to a report in a UK newspaper.

Lady Gaga reportedly asked Icecreamists to change the flavor''s name so it could not be linked to her image or name. The store in central London tourist hot spot must also "cease and desist from in any other way associating with Lady Gaga any ice cream you are offering," said the letter from law firm Mishcon de Reya.

Breast milk could carry viral infections, including hepatitis, the artist explained.

The icecream is now off the menu after Westminster City Council, the local authority, seized the ice cream for health and safety checks.
