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Day Four at Zinemaldia

Julia Roberts receives Donostia Prize 2010



The actress, smiling and emotional, received this year's Prize from the hands of Javier Bardem, her co-star in her latest movie Eat, Pray, Love, which was presented on Monday night after the ceremony.

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On Monday night, Julia Roberts received the San Sebastian International Film Festival''s Donostia Prize for 2010 from the hands of Spanish actor Javier Bardem, her co-star in Eat, Pray, Love. During the prize-giving, Bardem and Roberts once again demonstrated the great affection and mutual respect that had shown since their arrival in the Gipuzkoa Capital.

Visibly moved, Julia Roberts expressed her appreciation for the Prize, and spoke of her admiration for Bardem, the city of San Sebastian and the film itself which, she said, has changed her life. After thanking her husband, Roberts recalled an anonymous quote she once heard and by which she has tried to form her professional career: "The method to sculpt an elephant consists in getting a piece of marble and chipping away at everything that is not an elephant...until you are left with just the elephant".

The departure of Mikel Olaziregui

As well as presenting the Donostia Prize to Roberts, Javier Bardem paid tribute to the work of Mikel Olaziregui who, in his ninth year as Chief Director of the Film Festival now hands the baton to José Luis Robordinos, whom Bardem also welcomed.

Donostia Prize

The Donostia Prize was created in 1986 in recognition of the careers of grand figures in the world of cinema. In last few years, prize-winners have included Richard Gere and Liv Ullman (2007), Meryl Streep and Antonio Banderas (2008) and Sir Ian McKellan (2009).

''Eat, Pray, Love''

Following the awards ceremony, the audience witnessed the presentation of Roberts'' latest film, Eat, Pray, Love which is presenting as part of this year''s Official Section, though it is not competing.

Directed by Ryan Murphy and also starring Richard Jenkins, Eat Pray Love is based on a bestseller of the same title written by the writer and journalist Elizabeth Gilbert. The film tells the story of a woman who embarks upon a journey, both real and spiritual, around India following her divorce. Roberts said in Monday''s press conference she first read the book in 2006 and later, "during dinner" with Ryan Murphy, was offered the role.
