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  •  title=
  • James Murdoch: Rupert Murdoch's son and controller of News Corp European and Asian branches./EFE title=James Murdoch: Rupert Murdoch's son and controller of News Corp European and Asian branches./EFE
  • Clive Goodman: The NOTW's former royal correspondant, he was condemned to four months in prison in 2007 on charges of illegal tapping of phones./EFE title=Clive Goodman: The NOTW's former royal correspondant, he was condemned to four months in prison in 2007 on charges of illegal tapping of phones./EFE
  • Glenn Mulcaire: Private detective contracted by the NOTW to tap into people's private telephones./EFE title=Glenn Mulcaire: Private detective contracted by the NOTW to tap into people's private telephones./EFE