Kantu zerrenda
'Zidorrean': azaroaren 4ko saioko kantak
Jon Basagurenek azaroaren 4ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako kantuak: Bill Ryder-Jones, Dominique A, Izal, Seiurte, The Revitalists, The Neighbourhood, Fabian, Pelax, El Vy, Metric, Israel Nash...
Bill Ryder-Jones. Argazkia: Domino Records
Hauxe da azaroaren 4ko 'Zidorrean' saioan Jon Basagurenek jarritako kantuen zerrenda:
Bill Ryder-Jones: "Satellites"
Dominique A: "Eleor"
Izal: "Pequeña Gran Revolución"
Seiurte: "Txernobil"
The Revitalists: "King Of What"
The Neighbourhood: "The Beach"
Fabian: "Herida y Cicatriz"
Pelax:" Balio Dute"
EL Vy: "It's A Game"
Metric: "Too Bad, So Sad"
Israel Nash: "Willow"
Co Lund: "Weight Of The Gun"
Natalie Merchant:" Carnival"
Ruper Ordorika: "Giltz Gordea"
"Giltz Gordea"