

Kantu zerrenda

'Zidorrean': urriaren 16ko saioko kantak


Jon Basagurenek urriaren 16ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako kantuak: Natalie Prass, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Revolta Permanente, Gary Clarck Jr., Vintage Truoble, Mursego...

  • Natalie Prass. Argazkia: Spacebomb Records

    Natalie Prass. Argazkia: Spacebomb Records

Hauxe da urriaren 16ko 'Zidorrean' saioan Jon Basagurenek jarritako kantuen zerrenda:

Natalie Prass: "Bird Of Prey"

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin: "Step Brother City"

Revolta Permanente: "Zer Egin"

Gary Clarck Jr.: "Star"

Vintage Trouble: "Strike Your Light"

Mursego: "Eusnob"

THe Noise Figures: "Shoot The Moon"

Ana Tijoux: "Vengo"

Mercury Rev: "The Queen Of Swans"

Sen Senra: "Lunatic"

Patawawa: "Red And White"

Tutan Come On: "Microsievert"

Tachenko: "Los Festivales De La Fe"

Bide Ertzean: "Mundua Mundu DenetiK"

Anari: "Ametsen Eraiste Neurtua"

raiste Neurtua"