

Kantu zerrenda

'Zidorrean': abenduaren 1eko saioko kantuak



Jon Basagurenek abenduaren 1ean 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako taldeen artean, Pierce Brothers, Electric Light Orchestra, Kelley Stolitz, Kasernarat eta Foo Fighters daude, besteak beste.

Hauxe da abenduaren 1ean ‘Zidorrean’ saioan Jon Basagurenek jarritako kantuen zerrenda:


Pierce Brothers: "Overdose"


Electric Light Orchestra: "Dirty to the bone"


Kelley Stoltz: "Hot igloo"


Kasernarat: "Going down"


Foo Fighters: "The neverending sigh"


Izal: "Los seres que me llenan"


Lou Topet: "Inor ez da hiltzen"


Buika: "Vivir sin miedo"

Kometa: "Denboraren erritmora"

Low: "Lies"

Zahara: "Caída libre"

Houndstooth: "Borderlands"

Virenque: "All about bringing up a swine"

Jamie Woon: "Sharpness"

Bob Dylan eta Johnny Cash: "Girl from the north country"

north country"