Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko abenduaren 22ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako bakarlari eta taldeen artean Rural Zombies, The Mynabirds, Max Pope, Nacho Vegas eta Enkore daude.
Jon Basagurenek abenduaren 22an 'Zidorrean' saiorako aukeratutako abestien zerrenda:
Rural Zombies: "Fall"
Ash: "Machinery"
Ken Zazpi: "Gerra"
Harry Bird and The Rubber Wellies: "There's a River"
Sidonie: "Eclipse personal"
The Mynabirds: "Wildfire"
Mor More: "Zirrikituak"
Max Pope: "All that I need"
Belako: "Something to adore"
Enkore: "Mila heriotza txiki"
Nacho Vegas: "Vinu, cantares y amor"
Pleasure beach: "Go"
Noah Gundersen: "Slow dancer"
Chencho Fernandez: "Este matrimonio no casa"
PJ Harvey: "All and everyone"