Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko maiatzaren 24ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Hot Hot Heat, Napoka Iria, Lauroba eta Band of Horses daude, besteak beste.
Jon Basagurenek maiatzaren 24ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:
Hot Hot Heat: "Kid who stays in the picture"
Joana Serrat: "Cloudy heart"
Novedades Carminha: "Ritmo en la sangre"
Band of Horses: "Casual party"
John Berkhout: "They'll come for me"
Napoka Iria: "Nik ere"
Adele: "Send my love"
Magnolia Shoals: "BLVD"
Miss Caffeina: "Acido"
Rival Sons: "Tied up"
Torii: "Makur eta itsu"
Eric Clapton: "Can't let you do it"
Lauroba: "Itzalia"
On Dead Waves: "California"
The Lawyers: "Entiérrame"
Courtney Barnett: "Pedestrian at best"
strian at best"