Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko ekainaren 13ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Siroka, John Doe, Queens of Stone Age, Perlak eta Band of Horses daude, besteak beste.
Jon Basagurenek ekainaren 13ko 'Zidorrean' proposatutako musikari eta abestiak:
Band of Horses: "Throw my mess"
The Avett Brothers: "Satan pulls the strings"
Siroka: "Eskuak eta bideak"
Queens of Stone Age: "I sat by the ocean"
Haley Bonar: "I can change"
Joseba B. Lenoir: "Hotzikarak soinean"
Wintersleep: "Santa Fe"
Mudcrutch: "Trailer"
Kanaku y El Tigre: "Pulpos"
John Doe: "Go baby go"
Band of Horses: "Hag"
Perlak: "Itsasoari begira"
Metronomy: "Back together"
Invisible Harvey: "La puerta giratoria"
Arthur Beatrice: "Every Cell"
The War on Drugs: "Touch of grey"
"Touch of grey"