Kantuen zerrenda
'Zidorrean' saioko abenduaren 27ko abestien zerrenda
Proposatutako talde eta musikarien artean, Ekiza, Rural Zombies, Atom Rhumba, Anari, Ramones, Belako, Bigott, Margo Price eta Willis Drummond daude.
PJ Harvey
PJ Harvey: "The orange monkey"
Drive-By Truckers: "Guns of umpqa"
Ruper Ordorika: "Hamar negu"
Warpaint: "New song"
Kevin Morby: "I have been to be the mountain"
Zea Mays: "Orain"
Michael Kiwanuka: "Rule the world"
Joseba B. Lenoir: "Ez iali"
Damien Jurado: "Qachina"
Moderat: "Reminder"
Izaro: "Astelehenak"
Bon Iver: ""9 #Strafford apts"
David Bowie: "Lazarus"