

Kantuen zerrenda

'Zidorrean' saioko apirilaren 9ko abestien zerrenda

Hauek dira proposatutako talde eta musikari batzuk: Sarah Shook & The Disarmers, Eels, Passepartout, Whitney Rose, The Magic Numbers, Dr. Dog, Wye Oak, Koban, Matthew Logan Vasquez eta Doctor Deseo.

  • Doctor Deseo

    Doctor Deseo

Jon Basagurenek apirilaren 9ko 'Zidorrean' saioan proposatutako musikari, talde eta abestiak:

Sarah Shook & The Disarmers: 'Good As Gold'

Eels: 'Today Is The Day'

Passepartout: 'Une'

Whitney Rose: 'You Don't Scare Me'

The Magic Numbers: 'Ride Against The Wind'

Dr. Dog: 'Heart Killers'

Wye Oak: 'It Was Not Natural'

Koban: 'Panpin Puskatuen Fabrika'

Matthew Logan Vasquez: 'Sierra Blanca'

The Jayhawks: 'What Would I Dreamer Do?'

Doctor Deseo: 'Nire Munstroa'

Willie Nelson: 'Something You Get Through'

Johnny Marr: 'The Tracers'

Ben Howard: 'A Boat To An Island On The Wall'